Subcon is the UK’s number one Subcontract Manufacturing Supply Chain Show. We’re very proud to be part of the show, in its 41st year. The event is geared towards showcasing the best in outsourced engineering services. The ‘who’s who’ of the subcontract manufacturing buyers industry are in attendance from many industry sectors. The event’s purpose is for industry leaders to source suppliers to benchmark capabilities and secure new contracts to remain competitive in the market place.

The show is designed for the people in attendance to get noticed while also attaining new business leads across every sector.

The Subcon Online Brochure


This event is brought to the NEC by the UK’s leading engineering publication. ‘The Engineer.’ The Engineer Design and Innovation show is the go-to platform show for everything in design manufacturing services. Here you will find everything you would every want in terms of showcasing products and services that are pivotal in all stages of the manufacturing cycle.